How to start a home editing business

Editing is easy and inexpensive. You only need:

  • A basic understanding of grammar and punctuation.
  • Familiarity and familiarity with style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • MS Word, or any other document software, that allows you to “Track Changes”, so your clients can view your changes, suggestions and feedback.

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Getting started requires eight practical steps:

1. Choose the type of editing you’ll do

While some editors offer a variety of services, others only offer copyediting. This is a great time to target a particular market. Are you looking to freelance edit online or do you prefer book editing? Is there a book type you prefer if you are looking to book edit?

2. Find out how much you’ll charge for editing services

Many editors charge per hour. Most writers want to know how much the project will run. You should first know how fast your editing speed is and then calculate the project rates. If a writer is working on a novel of 240 pages and knows that you can edit 20 pages per hour, then you can estimate that the editing time will be 12 hours (240 pages divided 20). The total cost will be $420 if you charge $35 an hour. The time it takes to edit depends on what level of editing you provide (developmental or copyediting), as well as the quality and quantity of the work submitted. Many editors request a sample before they quote a price.

3. The structure of your home editing business

While operating as a sole proprietor is the fastest and most convenient option, you can also set up limited liability companies for greater protection.

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4. Register a business name

You can either use your name (Sally Smith Editing) or create something that is related to editing. You will need to file a fake name statement with your county or city clerk if you don’t want your real name.

5. Obtained the required licenses and permits

You can apply for a business license through the local county or city government office. Check with your local zoning office, landlord, and/or HOA for waivers to work from home.

6. Establish Your Business Presence

How can people find you to hire you? It’s easy to create a LinkedIn account with all the details about you and your skills as an editor. For more control and professionalism, you can create a website with an “about me” page that contains your portfolio, testimonials, and a list of your services.

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7. Begin looking for clients

Now it’s time for you to market. Engaging your network is a quick and efficient way to let your family and friends know about your editing services. They may not be interested in your services but they might know someone who does. You can also look into freelance editing jobs. FreelanceWriting and MediaBistro both list editing jobs.

8. Market Your Editing Company Every Day

It’s a great way for you to start. However, to have more control over your work and be able charge more, it is best to market your business. There are many marketing options that you have. It is important to think about your target market and where they can be found. Then, figure out how you can attract them to your business. If you offer book editing services for indie fantasy authors then make a list. This can be done online in fantasy writing forums or indie author groups. They may also attend book and writing conferences. Social media is another way to reach your target market. No matter what strategy you choose, make sure to create a marketing plan and then implement it every day.