Job Description for Union “Business Agent”

The interests of members of their labor union are represented by the union business agents. They are elected by members and paid by their union to represent the union before management and the public. The local union has business agents. A branch of the union membership is called a “union local”. Each local has its own duties and requirements. The business agent is responsible for managing the union office in a small local that may include workers from one company or factory. The business agent is responsible for grievances and negotiations, as well as setting up the office. The agent also hires staff and collects membership dues. Sometimes, all workers within a given area are represented by the locals of large unions. The business agents in large locals work together with other union officers such as the secretary or president.

As the head of the local grievance committee, one of the main duties of a union business agent is to deal with grievances. Workers can Small Business Big Game complain about management by filing grievances. A grievance committee member who is a worker in the department can hear workers’ complaints about their salaries, working conditions, and safety standards. To resolve the issue, the member of the grievance committee small business-big game meets with the worker’s supervisor. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level, the grievance procedure is initiated by the business agent. The terms of the contract are known to business agents. They can negotiate with managers to reach fair grievance settlements.

Education and Training Requirements

This job does not require formal education. Because agents are elected by members of the union, union membership support is the main requirement. Many union officials have worked many years as leaders and committee workers in unions.

Many union business agents have at least a high school diploma. Some have also completed college training. Some unions offer training in union leadership and labor relations. Officials can also enroll in college courses on labor relations.

Finding The Right Job Business agent

The union business agents must run for office and win the majority of votes. Workers can get advice from current and active members of the union about how to run for the position. Membership support is the only way you can get the job.

Advancement Possibilities, Employment Outlook Business agent

Performance and popularity are key factors in advancement. Voting for a position as president, vice-president, or secretary of a local union can be done by business agents. After many years of service, a few leaders are able to go on as officers of the national union.

While membership in labor unions is on the rise, it is still slow relative to overall growth of the workforce. The best job opportunities will be available to workers who are trained in labor relations.