Here’s How to Turn Your Recycling into a Profit (Guide for Businesses and Manufactures)

In the post-pandemic era, most businesses are looking for healthy cashflows and stability. Whether you’re the manager of a huge manufacturing firm or medium-sized business, you’ll no doubt want this as well.

Here’s a smart suggestion for you to try:Turn your recycling into a profit.

Nowadays, tons of businesses are making extra money by recycling their waste materials instead of simply disposing of them. Not only is this great for monetary reasons, but it also helps the planet – talk about a win-win situation.

So, how can you turn your recycling into a profit? Let’s run through the main steps.

Step 1: Get a Recycling Baler

Before anything else, you need to get your hands on a recycling baler (or multiple ones). This is especially important if you’re a manufacturing firm.

A recycling baler, often referred to as a waste baler, is a smart machine that can crush and compact recyclable materials into bales, which look almost like square cubes.

In addition to a recycling baler, you’ll need 10 gauge galvanized stem wire at Stem wires (also known as baling wires) are used to keep the bales in secure and compact condition. Essentially, the wires protect the exterior, so that no damage can take place, which is important during the transition process.

Make sense? Great. Let’s move onto the next step.

Step 2: Have Your Recycling Baler Installed

Balers can go pretty much anywhere, from factory floors to backrooms. It’s all about your business’s circumstances.

Once your baler is installed, it can then start to be used. When materials are inserted into a baler, the machine then works its magic by crushing them into small and compact bales.

Then, the next part of the process is to have stem wires added to the bales to keep them protected. Without using stem wires, bales are fragile and unsafe because they can fall apart.

Step 3: Sell Your Bales

The next step is the best part: Sell your bales. This is when the effort is all made worthwhile.

In the modern era of sustainability, there are lots of recycling companies out there that want to buy recycling bales from companies. Often, they will pay a large amount of money for the bales, which means one thing: Lots of profit.

Cardboard bales are particularly popular right now, which is something to bear in mind if your business has a lot of waste cardboard.


Moving into future decades, recycling is going to be a big source of profit for businesses. You can make it a source of profit for your business, too – all you need to do is follow the steps mentioned above.

Once you get a recycling baler, it will automatically become a cash cow for your business if you deal with a lot of waste material. Plus, you can let your customers know that you’re a business with green initiatives that cares about recycling.

Good luck.