Four Common Causes of Water Loss

Your home can be destroyed by water damage. It can be very sneaky, which is the worst thing about water damage. It’s possible to not realize something is wrong until it’s too late. This can lead to mold growth and mildew. Here are four possible causes of water damage you might encounter.

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Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes may also burst. It sounds awful, doesn’t? The same heat can also cause damage to pipes. You don’t need to worry about freezing temperatures destroying your pipes right now. Pipes can leak at any time of the year and they are equally problematic. If left untreated, backed up toilets and drains can cause massive water damage. If garbage disposals aren’t working properly, it can lead to leaks or bursts in pipes, which can cause water damage.

Ice Dams

In the summer, ice dams won’t be a problem. You can’t be too prepared. It is important to properly insulate your attic. Even so, water trickling into the attic can cause problems, especially if it reaches the gutters.


Let’s now talk about gutters. The gutters’ ability to drain water from your home can be overwhelmed by summer rainstorms. The gutters should not have any holes and must be cleaned regularly. You could get toxic mold buildup if the runoff from your basement isn’t diverted away. Water damage can also cause siding to become brittle and cause mildew, which can be difficult to remove without much effort. Check that your gutters are properly installed. If they aren’t, get them fixed.


Let’s finally talk about appliances. Leakages can occur in dishwashers, washers and refrigerators as well as other appliances that depend on water. Leakages can cause unexpected water damage, particularly if you have hardwood flooring and other flooring types that aren’t made to withstand moisture.