Career Coach – Could Your Career Need a Little Coaching?

Deciding to hire a career coach is a deeply personal decision but it can make a huge impact on the direction your career takes. Career coaching isn’t a one shot deal. It can literally transform your career path, your lifestyle, and your family’s financial future. It is definitely an investment in yourself that can pay off well today and in the future. The right coach can also help you determine if you’re even on the right career path or following a career path that fails to utilize your talents, interests, and strengths. He or she will show you that small changes and adjustments can have a huge impact on your future.

But, what exactly does a career coach do? This is one of many positions in life that is quite versatile. In fact, versatility is a requirement for career or life coaches. They need to be different things to different people. Some of their duties include the following: assessing your behavior, helping you define your goals, creating a plan you can follow to achieve those goals, help you eliminate the distractions that hold you back, cheering you on when needed, and giving a good kick in the rear when cheering doesn’t do the trick, and helping you get out of the rut that saps the vitality out of you so you can get back on track to meet your goals.

How long should you work with a career coach? This will change from one person to the next. Some people are able to quickly transition (within three to six months) and get the results they are going for. Other people take longer. There are many possible reasons to use a coach over a prolonged period. Some reasons include a reassessment of current career path, a change of career, and evolving to meet the changing marketplace.

Do you need a career coach? That is a question that only you can answer. Answering these quick questions can help you decide.

1) Are you satisfied, challenged, and content that you are where you always planned to be at this point in your career?
2) Do you feel that competition in your field is fierce and you need an edge to help you shine above it all?
3) Are you getting paid what you feel you’re worth in your current position?
4) Are you living the life you always dreamed you would? So, what do you think? Could you use a little coaching for your career?